diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 602c829..12953cc 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -49,3 +49,4 @@ node_modules/
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/alacritty/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml b/work-laptop/configs/alacritty/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml
index a61c131..bfb2ec5 100644
--- a/work-laptop/configs/alacritty/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/alacritty/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import = ["~/.config/alacritty/black.toml"]
-opacity = 0.93
+opacity = 1
padding.x = 10
# padding.y = 10
decorations = "Full"
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/alacritty/.config/alacritty/black.toml b/work-laptop/configs/alacritty/.config/alacritty/black.toml
index 88d8264..45e7cd4 100644
--- a/work-laptop/configs/alacritty/.config/alacritty/black.toml
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/alacritty/.config/alacritty/black.toml
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
# Default colors
-background = '#0a0c10'
-foreground = '#f0f3f6'
+background = '#141b1e'
+foreground = '#dadada'
# Cursor colors
-text = '#0a0c10'
-cursor = '#f0f3f6'
+text = '#141b1e'
+cursor= '#dadada'
# Normal colors
-black = '#7a828e'
-red = '#ff9492'
-green = '#26cd4d'
-yellow = '#f0b72f'
-blue = '#71b7ff'
-magenta = '#cb9eff'
-cyan = '#39c5cf'
-white = '#d9dee3'
+black = '#232a2d'
+red = '#e57474'
+green = '#8ccf7e'
+yellow = '#e5c76b'
+blue = '#67b0e8'
+magenta = '#c47fd5'
+cyan = '#6cbfbf'
+white = '#b3b9b8'
# Bright colors
-black = '#9ea7b3'
-red = '#ffb1af'
-green = '#4ae168'
-yellow = '#f7c843'
-blue = '#91cbff'
-magenta = '#cb9eff'
-cyan = '#39c5cf'
-white = '#d9dee3'
+black = '#2d3437'
+red = '#ef7e7e'
+green = '#96d988'
+yellow = '#f4d67a'
+blue = '#71baf2'
+magenta = '#ce89df'
+cyan = '#67cbe7'
+white = '#bdc3c2'
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/fish/.config/fish/config.fish b/work-laptop/configs/fish/.config/fish/config.fish
index 395ed49..e0c995e 100644
--- a/work-laptop/configs/fish/.config/fish/config.fish
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/fish/.config/fish/config.fish
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ if status --is-login
set -gx BAT_THEME "Solarized (light)"
set -gx SOLARIZED true
set -gx EDITOR "nvim"
if test -z "$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" && test "$XDG_VTNR" -eq 1
set -gx XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP "sway"
@@ -107,3 +106,4 @@ function switch_git_work
fish_add_path /home/lucas/.spicetify
+source ~/.config/fish/env.fish
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/fish/.config/fish/functions/fish_prompt.fish b/work-laptop/configs/fish/.config/fish/functions/fish_prompt.fish
index c4e8847..8b1d19c 100644
--- a/work-laptop/configs/fish/.config/fish/functions/fish_prompt.fish
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/fish/.config/fish/functions/fish_prompt.fish
@@ -1,21 +1,90 @@
function fish_prompt
- # This is a simple prompt. It looks like
- # alfa@nobby /path/to/dir $
- # with the path shortened and colored
- # and a "#" instead of a "$" when run as root.
- set -l symbol ' $ '
- set -l color $fish_color_cwd
- if fish_is_root_user
- set symbol ' # '
- set -q fish_color_cwd_root
- and set color $fish_color_cwd_root
+ set -l __last_command_exit_status $status
+ if not set -q -g __fish_arrow_functions_defined
+ set -g __fish_arrow_functions_defined
+ function _git_branch_name
+ set -l branch (git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD 2>/dev/null)
+ if set -q branch[1]
+ echo (string replace -r '^refs/heads/' '' $branch)
+ else
+ echo (git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)
+ end
+ end
+ function _is_git_dirty
+ not command git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD -- &>/dev/null
+ or not command git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code &>/dev/null
+ end
+ function _is_git_repo
+ type -q git
+ or return 1
+ git rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null 2>&1
+ end
+ function _hg_branch_name
+ echo (hg branch 2>/dev/null)
+ end
+ function _is_hg_dirty
+ set -l stat (hg status -mard 2>/dev/null)
+ test -n "$stat"
+ end
+ function _is_hg_repo
+ fish_print_hg_root >/dev/null
+ end
+ function _repo_branch_name
+ _$argv[1]_branch_name
+ end
+ function _is_repo_dirty
+ _is_$argv[1]_dirty
+ end
+ function _repo_type
+ if _is_hg_repo
+ echo hg
+ return 0
+ else if _is_git_repo
+ echo git
+ return 0
+ end
+ return 1
+ end
- echo -n $USER@$hostname
+ set -l cyan (set_color -o cyan)
+ set -l yellow (set_color -o yellow)
+ set -l red (set_color -o red)
+ set -l green (set_color -o green)
+ set -l blue (set_color -o blue)
+ set -l normal (set_color normal)
- set_color $color
- echo -n (prompt_pwd)
- set_color normal
+ set -l arrow_color "$green"
+ if test $__last_command_exit_status != 0
+ set arrow_color "$red"
+ end
- echo -n $symbol
+ set -l arrow "$arrow_color➜ "
+ if fish_is_root_user
+ set arrow "$arrow_color# "
+ end
+ set -l cwd $cyan(basename (prompt_pwd))
+ set -l repo_info
+ if set -l repo_type (_repo_type)
+ set -l repo_branch $red(_repo_branch_name $repo_type)
+ set repo_info "$blue $repo_type:($repo_branch$blue)"
+ if _is_repo_dirty $repo_type
+ set -l dirty "$yellow ✗"
+ set repo_info "$repo_info$dirty"
+ end
+ end
+ echo -n -s $arrow ' '$cwd $repo_info $normal ' '
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/scripts/scripts/switch.fish b/work-laptop/configs/scripts/scripts/switch.fish
index 381139b..fcf8a3a 100755
--- a/work-laptop/configs/scripts/scripts/switch.fish
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/scripts/scripts/switch.fish
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ echo $CURRENT_THEME
set wpp1_white ~/pics/white2.jpg
set wpp2_white ~/pics/white.jpg
-set wpp1_solarized ~/pics/black.jpg
-set wpp2_solarized ~/pics/black2.jpg
+set wpp1_solarized ~/pics/shyfox.jpg
+set wpp2_solarized ~/pics/flower.jpg
swaymsg reload
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ switch $CURRENT_THEME
echo changing to black...
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Sunrise-Dark"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme "Reversal-black-dark"
- swaymsg client.focused "#ffffff #ffffff #c1c1c1"
- swaymsg client.focused_inactive "#c1c1c1 #212121 #cecece"
+ swaymsg client.focused "#242b2e #e57474 #dadada #e57474"
+ swaymsg client.focused_inactive "#242b2e #242b2e #242b2e"
sed -i 's|white.toml|black.toml|' ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml
ln -sf ~/.config/tmux/themes/tmux-monochrome.conf ~/.config/tmux/theme.conf
tmux source ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf
- pkill waybar; waybar &> /dev/null & disown
+ pkill waybar; waybar -c ~/.config/waybar/config.jsonc &> /dev/null & disown
~/scripts/swww.sh $wpp1_solarized $wpp2_solarized
echo black > ~/colorscheme
swaymsg shadows disable
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/sway/.config/sway/config b/work-laptop/configs/sway/.config/sway/config
index f8155b1..14c1dbf 100644
--- a/work-laptop/configs/sway/.config/sway/config
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/sway/.config/sway/config
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
include ~/.config/sway/settings/*
blur enable
-blur_passes 2
+blur_passes 4
blur_radius 2
blur_noise 0.2
-shadow_on_csd enable
-shadow_color #424242
-shadow_offset 12 12
-shadow_blur_radius 10
+# shadow_on_csd enable
+# shadow_color #424242
+# shadow_offset 12 12
+# shadow_blur_radius 10
seat seat0 xcursor_theme Simp1e-Adw
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/sway/.config/sway/settings/binds b/work-laptop/configs/sway/.config/sway/settings/binds
index a3a3dee..709c5ef 100644
--- a/work-laptop/configs/sway/.config/sway/settings/binds
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/sway/.config/sway/settings/binds
@@ -97,4 +97,5 @@ bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%-
bindsym $mod+F9 exec brightnessctl set 5%-
bindsym $mod+F10 exec brightnessctl set 5%+
# vim: ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 ft=swayconfig
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/sway/.config/sway/settings/init b/work-laptop/configs/sway/.config/sway/settings/init
index d17d700..9eb160d 100644
--- a/work-laptop/configs/sway/.config/sway/settings/init
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/sway/.config/sway/settings/init
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ exec {
gsettings set $gnome-schema font-name 'Cartograph CF 12'
waybar &
autotiling &
- gammastep -t 4500:3500 -l -23.5475:-46.63611 -b 1.0:0.7 &
dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway DISPLAY
rm -rf ~/tmp/*
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/waybar/.config/waybar/color.css b/work-laptop/configs/waybar/.config/waybar/color.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc15ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/waybar/.config/waybar/color.css
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+@define-color bg #141b1e;
+@define-color bg2 #242b2e;
+@define-color fg #dadada;
+@define-color red #e57474;
+@define-color green #8ccf7e;
+@define-color yellow #e5c76b;
+@define-color blue #67b0e8;
+@define-color magenta #c47fd5;
+@define-color cyan #6cbfbf;
+@define-color gray #b3b9b8;
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/waybar/.config/waybar/config.jsonc b/work-laptop/configs/waybar/.config/waybar/config.jsonc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4224e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/waybar/.config/waybar/config.jsonc
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// -*- mode: jsonc -*-
+ // "layer": "top", // Waybar at top layer
+ "position": "bottom", // Waybar position (top|bottom|left|right)
+ "height": 42, // Waybar height (to be removed for auto height)
+ // "width": 1280, // Waybar width
+ "spacing": 3, // Gaps between modules (4px)
+ // Choose the order of the modules
+ "modules-left": ["clock", "custom/weather", "custom/spotify"],
+ "modules-center": ["sway/mode", "sway/scratchpad", "sway/workspaces"],
+ "modules-right": [
+ "backlight",
+ "pulseaudio",
+ "battery",
+ "power-profiles-daemon",
+ "tray",
+ ],
+ // Modules configuration
+ "sway/workspaces": {
+ "disable-scroll": false,
+ "all-outputs": true,
+ "persistent-workspaces": {
+ "1": [],
+ "2": [],
+ "3": [],
+ "4": [],
+ "5": [],
+ "6": [],
+ "7": [],
+ "8": [],
+ "9": [],
+ "10": [],
+ },
+ "format": "{icon}",
+ "format-icons": {
+ "1": "",
+ "2": "",
+ "3": "",
+ "4": "",
+ "5": "",
+ "7": "",
+ "6": "",
+ "8": "",
+ "9": "",
+ "10": "",
+ // "urgent": "",
+ // "focused": "",
+ // "default": ""
+ },
+ },
+ "sway/mode": {
+ "format": "{}",
+ },
+ "sway/scratchpad": {
+ "format": "{icon} {count}",
+ "show-empty": false,
+ "format-icons": ["", ""],
+ "tooltip": true,
+ "tooltip-format": "{app}: {title}",
+ },
+ "mpd": {
+ "format": " {title}",
+ "format-disconnected": "",
+ "format-stopped": "",
+ "unknown-tag": "N/A",
+ "interval": 5,
+ "tooltip-format": "MPD (connected)",
+ "tooltip-format-disconnected": "MPD (disconnected)",
+ },
+ "tray": {
+ "icon-size": 16,
+ "spacing": 10,
+ },
+ "clock": {
+ // "timezone": "America/New_York",
+ "tooltip-format": "{:%Y %B}\n{calendar}",
+ // 24-hour
+ "format": "{:%H·%M}",
+ // 12-hour
+ // "format": "{:%I·%M%p}",
+ "format-alt": "{:%a, %b %d %Y}",
+ },
+ "backlight": {
+ // "device": "acpi_video1",
+ "format": "{icon} {percent}",
+ "format-icons": ["", "", ""],
+ "on-click": "~/.local/bin/night-light",
+ },
+ "battery": {
+ "states": {
+ // "good": 95,
+ "warning": 30,
+ "critical": 15,
+ },
+ "format": "{icon} {capacity}",
+ "format-full": "{icon} {capacity}",
+ "format-charging": " {capacity}",
+ "format-plugged": " {capacity}",
+ "format-icons": ["", "", "", "", ""],
+ "interval": 1,
+ "on-click": "~/.local/bin/powermenu",
+ },
+ "power-profiles-daemon": {
+ "format": "{icon}",
+ "tooltip-format": "Power profile: {profile}\nDriver: {driver}",
+ "tooltip": true,
+ "format-icons": {
+ "default": "",
+ "performance": "",
+ "balanced": "",
+ "power-saver": "",
+ },
+ },
+ "pulseaudio": {
+ // "scroll-step": 1, // %, can be a float
+ "format": "{icon} {volume}",
+ "format-muted": " Muted",
+ "format-source": "{volume}% ",
+ "format-source-muted": "",
+ "format-icons": {
+ "default": ["", "", ""],
+ },
+ "on-click": "pamixer --toggle-mute",
+ "on-click-right": "pavucontrol",
+ },
+ "custom/weather": {
+ "exec": "~/.local/bin/weather -o",
+ "exec-if": "ping wttr.in -c 1",
+ "on-click": "alacritty -e ~/.local/bin/weather",
+ "interval": 3600,
+ },
+ "custom/spotify": {
+ "format": "{}",
+ "return-type": "json",
+ "on-click-right": "spotifatius toggle-liked",
+ "exec": "spotifatius monitor",
+ },
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/waybar/.config/waybar/style-black.css b/work-laptop/configs/waybar/.config/waybar/style-black.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02b0533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/waybar/.config/waybar/style-black.css
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+* {
+ border: none;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ /* padding: 0; */
+ /* margin: 0; */
+ font-size: 18px;
+ font-family: CartographCF Nerd Font;
+ font-style: italic;
+window#waybar {
+ background: #0a0c10;
+ color: #f0f3f6;
+ margin: 10px;
+#workspaces button {
+ margin-left: 2px;
+ padding: 2px 8px;
+#workspaces button:hover,
+#workspaces button:active {
+ background-color: #424242;
+ color: #f0f3f6;
+#workspaces button.focused {
+ background-color: #424242;
+ color: #f0f3f6;
+#language {
+ margin-right: 7px;
+#battery {
+ margin-left: 7px;
+ margin-right: 3px;
+#clock {
+ margin: 0px 6px;
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/waybar/.config/waybar/style.css b/work-laptop/configs/waybar/.config/waybar/style.css
index 02b0533..cf4d221 100644
--- a/work-laptop/configs/waybar/.config/waybar/style.css
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/waybar/.config/waybar/style.css
@@ -1,44 +1,126 @@
+@import "color.css";
* {
- border: none;
- border-radius: 0;
- /* padding: 0; */
- /* margin: 0; */
- font-size: 18px;
- font-family: CartographCF Nerd Font;
- font-style: italic;
+ border: none;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ font-family: "CartographCF Nerd Font";
+ font-size: 14px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ min-height: 0;
+ margin-left: 4px;
+ margin-right: 4px;
window#waybar {
- background: #0a0c10;
- color: #f0f3f6;
- margin: 10px;
+ border-radius: 0px;
+ background: @bg;
+ color: @fg;
+tooltip {
+ background: @bg;
+ border-radius: 0px;
#workspaces button {
- margin-left: 2px;
- padding: 2px 8px;
+ padding: 3px;
+ margin-left: 5px;
+ margin-right: 5px;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid @bg;
-#workspaces button:hover,
-#workspaces button:active {
- background-color: #424242;
- color: #f0f3f6;
+#workspaces button:nth-child(1) {
+ color: @red;
+#workspaces button:nth-child(2) {
+ color: @green;
+#workspaces button:nth-child(3) {
+ color: @yellow;
+#workspaces button:nth-child(4) {
+ color: @blue;
+#workspaces button:nth-child(5) {
+ color: @magenta;
+#workspaces button:nth-child(6) {
+ color: @cyan;
+#workspaces button:nth-child(7) {
+ color: @red;
+#workspaces button:nth-child(8) {
+ color: @green;
+#workspaces button:nth-child(9) {
+ color: @yellow;
+#workspaces button:nth-child(10) {
+ color: @blue;
+#workspaces button.active {
+ color: @fg;
+#workspaces button.empty {
+ color: @bg2;
#workspaces button.focused {
- background-color: #424242;
- color: #f0f3f6;
+ background: transparent;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid @fg;
-#language {
- margin-right: 7px;
+#workspaces button.urgent {
+ color: @red;
+ background: @bg;
+#workspaces button:hover {
+ background: @bg;
+ color: @gray;
+ box-shadow: inherit;
+ text-shadow: inherit;
+#backlight {
+ padding: 5px 5px;
+#pulseaudio {
+ color: @blue;
#battery {
- margin-left: 7px;
- margin-right: 3px;
+ color: @green;
-#clock {
- margin: 0px 6px;
+#mpd {
+ color: @cyan;
+#backlight {
+ color: @magenta;
+#power-profiles-daemon {
+ color: @cyan;
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/zed/.config/zed/settings.json b/work-laptop/configs/zed/.config/zed/settings.json
index 893c703..7c4b7a5 100644
--- a/work-laptop/configs/zed/.config/zed/settings.json
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/zed/.config/zed/settings.json
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
"ui_font_size": 16,
"buffer_font_size": 18,
"buffer_font_family": "CartographCF Nerd Font",
- "theme": "Le Blackque orange italic",
+ "theme": "Mono Dark",
"terminal": {
"dock": "bottom",
"detect_venv": {
diff --git a/work-laptop/configs/zed/.config/zed/themes/mono.json b/work-laptop/configs/zed/.config/zed/themes/mono.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cef299d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/work-laptop/configs/zed/.config/zed/themes/mono.json
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+ "$schema": "https://zed.dev/schema/themes/v0.1.0.json",
+ "name": "Mono Theme",
+ "author": "Christopher Newton",
+ "themes": [
+ {
+ "name": "Mono Dark",
+ "appearance": "dark",
+ "style": {
+ "border": "#eeeeee10",
+ "border.variant": "#eeeeee10",
+ "border.focused": "#eeeeee10",
+ "border.selected": "#eeeeee10",
+ "border.transparent": "#eeeeee10",
+ "border.disabled": "#eeeeee10",
+ "elevated_surface.background": "#181818",
+ "surface.background": "#111111",
+ "background": "#0d0d0d",
+ "element.background": "#181818",
+ "element.hover": "#eeeeee10",
+ "element.active": "#eeeeee10",
+ "element.selected": "#eeeeee10",
+ "element.disabled": "#eeeeee10",
+ "drop_target.background": "#eeeeee10",
+ "ghost_element.background": "#eeeeee10",
+ "ghost_element.hover": "#eeeeee10",
+ "ghost_element.active": "#eeeeee10",
+ "ghost_element.selected": "#eeeeee10",
+ "ghost_element.disabled": "#eeeeee10",
+ "text": "#eeeeee",
+ "text.muted": "#999999",
+ "text.placeholder": "#777777",
+ "text.disabled": "#444444",
+ "text.accent": "#0090ff",
+ "icon": "#eeeeee",
+ "icon.muted": "#aaaaaa",
+ "icon.disabled": "#444444",
+ "icon.accent": "#0090ff",
+ "status_bar.background": "#0d0d0d",
+ "title_bar.background": "#0d0d0d",
+ "toolbar.background": "#111111",
+ "tab_bar.background": "#0d0d0d",
+ "tab.active_background": "#111111",
+ "tab.active_foreground": "#0d0d0d",
+ "tab.inactive_background": "#0d0d0d",
+ "search.match_background": "#0090ff30",
+ "editor.background": "#111111",
+ "editor.gutter.background": "#111111",
+ "editor.subheader.background": "#151515",
+ "editor.active_line.background": "#eeeeee10",
+ "editor.highlighted_line.background": "#eeeeee10",
+ "editor.foreground": "#eeeeee",
+ "editor.line_number": "#eeeeee30",
+ "editor.active_line_number": "#eeeeee",
+ "editor.invisible": "#eeeeee10",
+ "editor.wrap_guide": "#eeeeee10",
+ "editor.active_wrap_guide": "#eeeeee10",
+ "editor.document_highlight.read_background": "#eeeeee10",
+ "editor.document_highlight.write_background": "#eeeeee10",
+ "terminal.foreground": "#eeeeee",
+ "terminal.background": "#111111",
+ "terminal.bright_foreground": "#eeeeee",
+ "terminal.dim_foreground": "#666666",
+ "terminal.ansi.black": "#111111",
+ "terminal.ansi.bright_black": "#999999",
+ "terminal.ansi.dim_black": "#666666",
+ "terminal.ansi.red": "#eb5757",
+ "terminal.ansi.green": "#4cc580",
+ "terminal.ansi.yellow": "#ffdc75",
+ "terminal.ansi.blue": "#0090ff",
+ "terminal.ansi.white": "#eeeeee",
+ "terminal.ansi.bright_white": "#eeeeee90",
+ "terminal.ansi.dim_white": "#eeeeee80",
+ "panel.background": "#0d0d0d",
+ "panel.focused_border": "#eeeeee10",
+ "pane.focused_border": "#eeeeee10",
+ "pane.group_border": "#eeeeee10",
+ "scrollbar_thumb.background": "#eeeeee20",
+ "scrollbar.thumb.hover_background": "#eeeeee30",
+ "scrollbar.thumb.border": null,
+ "scrollbar.track.background": "#111111",
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