#!/bin/bash echo "Press enter to use the default value '[value]' or use a custom value" read -p "Server domain name - this is the end url of where abyss will be hosted []: " -e ABYSS_URL read -p "Upload key - this is the key you will need to have to be able to make uploads to the server []: " -e UPLOAD_KEY read -p "Files Directory - this is the dir location for storing the files [./files]: " -e ABYSS_FILEDIR if [ -z $ABYSS_FILEDIR ]; then ABYSS_FILEDIR="./files" fi read -p "Server port - this is the port the server will run on; type just the port number. []: " -e ABYSS_PORT read -p "Auth username - this is the username to access /tree (show all uploaded files) [admin]: " -e AUTH_USERNAME if [ -z $AUTH_USERNAME ]; then AUTH_USERNAME="admin" fi read -p "Auth password - this is the password to access /tree (show all uploaded files) [admin]: " -e AUTH_PASSWORD if [ -z $AUTH_PASSWORD ]; then AUTH_PASSWORD="admin" fi cat << EOF > .env # This is the full name of the final domain for the server. Example: paste.abyss.dev ABYSS_URL=$ABYSS_URL # Where abyss will store files. It's fine to leave it empty. Defaults to "./files" ABYSS_FILEDIR=$ABYSS_FILEDIR # The port the server will run on, it's fine to leave it empty. Defaults to :3235 ABYSS_PORT=:$ABYSS_PORT # This is the username of the user for accessing /tree AUTH_USERNAME=$AUTH_USERNAME # This is the password of the user for accessing /tree AUTH_PASSWORD=$AUTH_PASSWORD # This is the key needed to make uploads. Include it as X-Auth in curl. # Tip: Save it somewhere and use it in curl with \$(cat /path/to/key) UPLOAD_KEY=$UPLOAD_KEY EOF